演讲人: Clement YU
讲座时间: 6 月 29 日上午9:30 – 12:30
讲座地点: 中国人民大学信息楼四层417会议室
Clement YU is a professor in the Department of Computer Science of University of Illinois at Chicago. He obtained the B.S degree in Applied Mathematics from Columbia University, and the PhD degree in Computer Science from Cornell University. He has published about 200 papers in various journals and conferences. He has served as a program committee chair for the ACM SIGIR conference, a general chair for the ACM SIGMOD conference, a chair for the ACM SIGIR society, and an advisory committee member for the National Science Foundation. He also served as associate editor/member of editorial board for various journals such as the IEEE TKDE. Recently, he was a keynote speaker at the 2009 CIKM conference.
This talk has two parts. The first part describes the construction of a sentimental word dictionary. The Web has plenty of reviews, comments and reports about products, services, government policies etc. The opinions expressed in these reviews influence how people regard these entities. For example, a product with consistently good reviews is likely to sell well, while a product with numerous bad reviews is likely to sell poorly. Our aim is to build a sentimental word dictionary, which is larger than existing sentimental word dictionaries and has high accuracy. We introduce rules for deduction, which take words with known polarities as input and produce synsets (a set of synonyms with a definition) with polarities. The synsets with deduced polarities can then be used to further deduce the polarities of other words. Experimental results show that for a given sentimental word dictionary with D words, approximately an additional 50% of D words with polarities can be deduced. An important effect of deduction is that inconsistencies within a dictionary and across dictionaries can be obtained. Two theoretical results have also been obtained. One shows that the problem of finding a minimum size subset of synsets with polarities so that the polarities of all words can be obtained is NP-complete. The other shows that the problem of checking consistencies is also NP-complete.The second part of the talk sketches the research interests of faculty members in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).It is hoped that well-qualified students of your university will be interested in pursuing PhD studies at UIC.