Selected topics in algebraic combinatorics and random walks(数学系学科国际前沿教师培训课程)
发布时间: 2016-04-13 08:12:27 浏览次数: 供稿:数学系
演讲人:Oleskiy Zhedanov
讲座时间:2016-04-18 08:00:00

 Title: Selected topics in algebraic combinatorics and random walks.

Abstract. Selected problems in algebraic combinatorics and random walks are considered. Orthogonal polynomials and generating functions play here a key role. In particular, we relate combinatorics of the Dyk and Motzkin paths and birth-death processes with the theory of orthogonal polynomials and continued fraction.

报告人:Oleskiy Zhedanov

Zhedanov教授1957年12月出生,研究领域是代数组合及其在数学物理中的应用,被认为是国际上代数组合领域的顶尖专家之一,在该领域有以他名字命名的理论。Zhedanov教授目前已经在国际数学和数学物理期刊发表130篇文章,包括如Advances in mathematics,Comm. Math. Phys, Trans. of Amer. Math. Soc. 等国际数学顶级期刊,在Web of Science中文章已被他引1千余次。

