演讲人: 北京大学李晓明教授
讲座时间: 每周一晚6:00到7:30(9月10日开课)
讲座地点: 公一教学楼1104
英文课程简介: The course begins with the two main bodies of theory that we
will be building on ----graph theory and game theory. These are theories
of structure and behavior respectively: Graph theory is the study of
network structure, while game theory provides models of individual
behavior in settings where outcomes depend on the behavior of others.
Based on these theoryies, we can develope some of the basic forces
underlying networks and strategic behavior, we can ask how the
institutions a society designs can channel these forces to produce
certain kinds of overall outcomes. For example, in the way in which a
particular auction mechanism leads to bidding behavior and hence
prices; or the way in which the Internet search industry has become a
significant influence on how Web content is created.